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Head Editor, Winthrop Close Up

Winthrop Close Up is a student-run broadcast at Winthrop University that produces weekly shows on relevant news and information for the campus community.

As head editor for the fall semester of 2021, I created a show open that celebrated the 75th anniversary of Winthrop's Mass Communication department, designed a lower third graphic for our shows, and provided editing guidance for students new to the organization. 


Every student in Winthrop Close Up fills the role of reporter throughout each semester in order to bring stories to viewers. Other roles are rotated as shows are filmed each week. These roles include producer, camera operator, anchor, audio control, floor director and more.

Below are a few more examples of my work for Winthrop Close Up.

Cars & Coffee Charity Event: Package

Movie Theater Changes: Package

Accessibility in Rock Hill: Show 1 A Block

Roles: anchor, story feature, show editor

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